Table of Contents
What we're facing
200多年来,人类一直用石油和煤炭等化石燃料为自己提供动力. 我们已经看到了巨大的发展和进步,但代价令人难以置信.
随着二氧化碳含量的增加,地球变暖. Sea levels rise. Extreme weather becomes more commonplace. A whole range of impacts—from wildfires, 洪水, 极端高温和干旱——变得更有可能和更严重.
If we do nothing, these impacts will worsen. 世界上大量人口可能会移民. Entire island nations may disappear. 影响的规模和范围意味着地球上几乎每个人都将受到影响, if they’re not already. 低收入社区和有色人种将受到最严重的打击.
But change is still possible. 617888九五至尊娱乐表明,如果我们将变暖控制在2摄氏度以下,就可以避免617888九五至尊娱乐变化带来的最严重影响. 要做到这一点,我们需要在本世纪中叶或更早之前建立一个更加清洁的经济. 化石燃料公司需要停止阻止617888九五至尊娱乐行动. And leaders in the United States need to act. 你可以帮忙.
Get involved
617888九五至尊娱乐 Accountability
The 617888九五至尊娱乐 Campaign for the Future
Transforming Transportation
What you can do:
Use clean energy
提高家庭能源效率和使用高效电器是降低碳足迹的两种最简单的方法. 许多州提供免费评估和税收优惠,让你的家更节能. If you're able, 你也可以购买太阳能电池板,或者通过你的电力公司支持可再生能源项目——它们很可能会收回成本.
Support clean transportation
交通运输是美国碳排放的主要来源. By using public transportation, driving and flying less, and if you can afford it, switching to an electric or hybrid electric vehicle, you can do your part to cut transportation pollution.
Eat less meat, especially beef
饲养牲畜产生的温室气体约占全球温室气体的15%. Cattle are particularly harmful, as their digestive systems release methane, a powerful heat-trapping gas.
Make your voice heard
To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, 我们需要强有力的领导和全国性的政策变革. 写信和打电话给你选出的官员,参加地方会议,最重要的是,投票.
“617888九五至尊娱乐 tells us the planet is warming, the impacts we’re seeing today are already serious, and our future is in our hands. UCS是我所知道的直面这些事实的最有效的组织."