The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) respects your right to privacy and is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. We have created the following privacy policy to inform you about the ways in which the Union of Concerned Scientists collects data about you, 我们为什么这么做, 我们如何使用它,以及您对个人信息做出选择的能力. Rest assured that no personally identifiable information is collected automatically when you visit our website, 我们为您提供了许多机制来管理您自愿提供给我们的信息.
通过cookie自动跟踪. 像大多数网站一样, UCS放置一个“cookie”,或小文本文件, 在访问我们网站的访问者的浏览器文件中. 这使我们能够收集有关网站流量或其他在线行为的信息, 我们用什么来改善用户体验. These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information about users nor are they linked to any personally identifiable information on our site. 同样,我们的网站记录访问者的IP地址纯粹是出于功能原因(例如.g. 访客记录地理).
UCS also uses cookies to display advertising to visitors to our site who subsequently visit third party websites. Users retain the right to reject cookies and can do so through their cookie settings or by using a browser plugin. 如果您接受在UCS网站上使用cookies, 该承兑汇票将保存三年.
您通过表格自愿提供的信息. We collect personally identifying information when you submit your name or other information through the 邮件, 电话, 或者是我们网站上的表单, 617888九五至尊娱乐时, 捐赠, 采购, 订阅UCS电子邮件或短信, 回复一个活动, 签署请愿书, 或者向行动目标发送电子邮件. 确切的信息可能会有所不同, 但可能包括识别信息,如姓名, address, 还有一些人自愿提供了数据. 通过提交以下信息, 您同意将该等资料用于表格上所列明的用途.
当您在我们的网站上采取涉及第三方的某些行动时, 例如向政府机构或民选官员的办公室提交意见, 您的评论和识别信息将受到其隐私规则的约束, 也可以根据公共记录政策进行记录或公布. UCS不对任何此类第三方的隐私做法负责.
当你通过电话向UCS捐款时, 邮件, 或者我们的网站, your donation information is encrypted and transmitted via a secure connection to our payment processors. UCS使用您的信用卡信息仅用于处理您的捐赠. We will not disclose this information except as necessary to process your one-time or recurring donation.
第三方与我们分享的信息. This website also uses third-party services such as Google Analytics (to monitor and assess our web traffic), and social networking platforms such as 脸谱网 and 推特 (as engagement platforms for our visitors). 虽然UCS不会通过这些服务收集个人身份信息, 我们确实收集和查看聚合, 匿名的信息, 比如用户访问的页面, 他们访问的国家, 以及他们用来访问它们的设备.
From time to time we supplement data on individuals in our database with information from publicly available sources or third-party vendors for the purpose of improving UCS supporter communications and evaluation of our supporter base. 例如, 我们定期使用“全国地址变更”数据库来更新邮寄和电子邮件地址.
Your data is stored on a secure database on secure servers and is accessible only by designated staff or approved vendors, 如本政策所述. This information enables us to provide you with updates on our work and opportunities to get involved in our campaigns and to support our work through donations.
我们可能会使用这些信息来定制您的在线和离线体验. 例如, 我们可能会向您提供采取行动或参加城市活动的机会, 状态, 或者你所居住的地区, 或在我们的网站上预先填写表格,以方便您.
Automatically collected information is only viewed in the aggregate and used to help us improve website experiences. 例如, 我们可能会在我们的网站上运行测试,并向不同的访问者显示略有不同的版本. 一般, 这些测试是随机的, but may be influenced by factors such as type of device or whether or not a user is recognized as a donor.
我们从不出租或出售您的信息. 我们偶尔会与志同道合的组织交换捐赠者的邮寄地址, 虽然我们不交换电话或电子邮件地址. 否则,我们绝不会与他人分享您的信息,除非您要求我们这样做.g.(通过我们的网站行动中心发送给您的参议员的一封您签名的电子邮件).
Users retain the right to reject cookies and can do so through their cookie settings or by using a browser plugin.
会员可以选择不通过电子邮件共享他们的邮寄地址 (电子邮件保护).
Recipients can opt-out of e邮件 or 文本 communications via the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of all UCS e邮件s or the STOP command via 文本 messages.
另外, 你可以要求从任何电子邮件中删除, 电话, 文本, 或通过我们的邮件通信 联络表格.
通过UCS网站提交信息, users consent to having this information transferred to UCS database systems located in the United States. The European Commission does not deem United States laws sufficiently protective of data (though our database providers certify their data practices meet the frameworks principles to receive the personal information of EU residents through the EU-US Privacy Shield). Transfer of personal data to the United States in the absence of adequate protection and without safeguards considered appropriate by the European Commission may pose certain risks, 包括美国法律可能没有规定数据处理原则, 数据主体的权利, 或执行类似于欧盟的权利.
捐赠信息将永久存储在UCS数据库中, 根据财务记录的需要. 宣传, 调查, 比赛, and event information is stored on UCS databases as long as the user is an active UCS supporter for the purpose of evaluating the efficacy of our campaigns and tailoring future communications. 用户不活动三年后,这些数据将从UCS数据库中删除.
个人有权随时撤销对UCS存储其数据的同意. 可提出删除资料的要求 在这里. 欧盟的用户也有权向监管机构提出投诉.
UCS works with various data vendors who assist us with fundraising and analytics services and who have access to user data. UCS ensures that vendors who have access to user data are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, 包括, 是适用的, 欧盟的通用数据保护条例(GDPR).
- 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟不收取接收短信的费用. 消息 and 数据速率可能适用; this can be checked with your mobile service provider. 费用将支付给您的移动服务提供商或从您的预付费帐户中扣除. 同意不是购买的必要条件.
- 通过此短信服务向您获取的数据可能包括您的移动电话号码, 承运人的名称, and any information you provide to use through messages sent back to the UCS 67369 shortcode 包括 the date, time, 以及你留言的内容. 我们可能会使用这些信息与您联系,并提供您要求我们提供的服务. 如果手机不在传输站点的范围内,则可能无法发送通过SMS发送的警报, 或者在特定时间没有足够的网络容量可用. 即使在一个覆盖范围内, 无线运营商无法控制的因素可能会干扰消息传递, 包括客户的设备, 地形, 靠近建筑物, 树叶, 和天气. Wireless operators do not guarantee message delivery and will not be held liable for delayed or undelivered messages.
- UCS is not liable for any delays in the receipt of any SMS message as delivery is subject to effective transmission from your network operator.
- 通过订阅忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟的移动警报, the user consents to receive recurring automated 文本 messages to ensure science is used to solve our planet's most pressing problems. 消息 & 数据速率可能适用.
- 如果您有任何问题,请发送“帮助”到您收到的短信号码或617888九五至尊娱乐 (电子邮件保护). 若要停止接收消息,请对同一号码或联系人回复“停止” (电子邮件保护).
本隐私政策可能会不时更新,恕不另行通知. 您在以下指定的日期之后使用UCS网站即表示您同意我们的条款.